Monday, February 9, 2015

Are you exceptional, striking, clearly noticeable, or superior .... for the right reasons?

A report not in on time; incorrect figures, statistics, or calculations; constantly late for work; inappropriately dressed. It's actually quite easy to stand out, and most of these examples take very little effort to achieve.

The sales administrator who is just a little too enthusiastic, or the supervisor who has to see the branch manager EVERY day with a "fantastic new idea"- they also stand out, and they are definitely putting in the effort! But all of these are outstanding for the wrong reasons and ultimately will end up with the wrong outcome for everybody concerned.

So if we accept that there is a difference between standing out and being outstanding we need to apply a few simple principles to make sure that we are the latter and not the former.

1. Be Grateful

We all want an opportunity to shine, to show the people who count that we have what it takes to get the job done, but we need to appreciate the fact that those opportunities even exist. Most of us reading this blog fall into the richest 10% of the population of this planet, and the mere fact that we even get opportunities to make mistakes, never mind to excel at something is not something to be taken lightly.

2. Be Humble

There is a huge difference between being assertive and being proud, and confidence easily looks like arrogance if there isn't a strong dose of humility mixed in with it! Without humility, the reality that we are able to competently do something can easily be misinterpreted, and who wants an arrogant ............... on the team? And the best way for that humility to come through is for us to accept that our way is one way of doing things, but there may be other, and MAYBE even, better ways of achieving the same outcome. And if you are given a humble button in recognition of your attitude, DON"T WEAR IT!

3. Demonstrate mind-blowing initiative 

If all you do all the time is the right thing, you miss out on the opportunity of doing the BEST thing! When our daily contribution to the team or the task is just the completion of the basic to-do items, we are definitely not being outstanding. Go way past the basic instructions every opportunity you get and constantly be looking for the best way of doing everything you are responsible for. There are always opportunities to do things at an acceptable level, but we need to leverage the process to the next level and find the better way.

If you will start to work on these 3 things, instead of working on opportunities to stand out for the wrong reason, the right opportunities for you and your efforts to be recognised, will present themselves regularly. Grab each of those, and be outstanding!

If you would like help being outstanding, hop on over to and take a look at the many ways we can help you be all you were meant to be.

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