Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Have you got what it takes - Part 2

Have you got what it takes to be outstanding? - Continued

Last week we started looking at the fundamental types of behavior that outstanding people need to exhibit, and this week I'm going to give you the balance of those. We have looked at commitment, positive attitude, humility, courage, and being involved, and this week I will take a closer look at creativity, authenticity, emotional intelligence, drive, and giving.

6. Creativity
A common answer to a lot of questions these days is "it's complicated!" Although this usually refers to relational issues, a lot of the day-to-day problems that we encounter are complicated, and made up of diverse components. Without creativity, it is almost impossible to solve most of them, and developing the ability to produce practical solutions to complex situations will make you outstanding.

7. Authenticity
 Ancient wisdom tells us to "let our yes be yes, and our no be no". Outstanding people are authentic – what you see is what you get, and personal integrity is not optional. Watch any 10-minute segment of the evening news for proof of the fact that failure in this area has reached epidemic proportions, in virtually every area of life. Failure in this area, is almost impossible to recover from, no matter how good you once were!

8. Emotional Intelligence
 Outstanding people are emotionally intelligent, and manage their emotions effectively. Behavioral extremes are avoided, they are calm under pressure, and they keep the heads when everybody around them is in a flat spin. They understand that moderation in everything is wise, and that builds other trust in them.

9. Drive
It takes drive to be outstanding, but outstanding people are not driven. They understand that to be successful, they need to put all they are into everything they do, and if they can't do that, they need to do something different. If whatever you are doing every day doesn't get your pulse rate elevated, you need to be doing something different. That something doesn't need to be weird, but it does need to be something that you can totally immerse yourself in, and something you love doing.

10. Giving
If you truly want to be outstanding, you need to be a giver. Outstanding people give freely of their time, talents, and energy, particularly to help others achieve what they want. Selfless generosity always seems to reap a harvest that exceeds the seed that was planted!

So, there you have the basic behavioral elements that will make you outstanding, and help you experience a full spectrum life. As usual, comment, disagree, and share your experiences of applying these principles in your life. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you'd like me to help you be outstanding, feel free to fill in the contact form at http://version8.com.au/contact-us, and I'll set up a time for us to have a chat.

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