Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Have you got what it takes?

Have you got what it takes to be outstanding?

I've had some really good feedback on our previous blog that drew a distinction between "standing out", and  "being outstanding". Staying with the "outstanding" theme, I decided to have a closer look at the nuts and bolts of what it actually takes to be outstanding.

A great quote that speaks to this situation is "Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone" – which in simple terms means that everything in life has a price. If you really want to be outstanding, you are going to need to do everything with excellence, and without wanting to emphasise the obvious, excellence is a pretty high standard. Nobody is going to achieve excellence by pursuing it half-heartedly. So, are you up to the challenge? Are you prepared to put in what it takes to function consistently at a level of excellence? If the answer to these 2 questions is  "yes" (actually "yes" with an "!"), then you have a pretty good chance of achieving the benefits, in return for the effort.

So this week I'll give you the 1st bunch of behaviours that will help you lead a life of excellence, which is part of the "full spectrum life" that I honestly believe we were all meant to live.

1. Commitment
You have to be committed in order to become outstanding. Persistence, perseverance, and dedication are the foundations of this kind of commitment. Everything you start needs to be finished, irrespective of how long it actually takes. Ongoing effort is a trademark of people who are outstanding, and excellence develops as a result of years of effort and refining. "It usually takes years to achieve overnight success!"

2. Positive Attitude
Most of us learn at some point in our lives that we cannot always control circumstances, but we can control our attitudes, and thereby, our reaction to circumstances. Every outstanding person that I have ever interacted with has had a positive attitude, and has believed that success is possible. If you don't believe this, you won't even attempt the task, and attempting it creates the opportunity for you to achieve the striking results, that will make you outstanding.

3. Humility
Those of you that have read any of my previous blogs will know that this is one of my favorite subjects! Knowing that you are excellent doesn't mean that you need to bulldoze everybody else out of the way, or make a big deal of it. Be secure in who you are becoming, but understand that the way you treat people speaks volumes in terms of excellence. Humility breeds patience, generosity, kindness, and gentleness, and most outstanding people are respected because of these traits.

4. Courage
If you truly want to be excellent, you are going to need to define what you are scared of! Courage does not mean that you have no fear; it simply means that you recognize the fear and do what is necessary anyway. Being outstanding requires you to take chances, and yes, that means there is the possibility of failure. But failure does not mean the end of the world; it simply gives us an opportunity to fast track our learning. When we fail, we learn from the experience, dust ourselves off, and try again differently. Do this often enough, and you will be strikingly different from most of the people around you.

5. Get Involved
Most injuries on a rugby field happened on the periphery of the action. The guy who takes the ball into the bottom of the loose ruck, usually emerges smiling! Words like "that's not in my job description" seldom escape from an outstanding person's mouth, and their desire to be involved sets them apart from most people. Time management and respect for boundaries are important, but when something needs to be done, outstanding people roll up their sleeves and get it done!

To be continued…

Comment, disagree, and share your experiences of applying (or not) these principles in your life, below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you'd like me to help you be outstanding, feel free to fill in the contact form at http://version8.com.au/contact-us, and I'll set up a time for us to have a chat.

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